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Allergy-Friendly Lapsha (Russian Noodle Soup)

I am very fortunate to have grown up with a wonderful Russian grandmother that always cooked delicious Russian food for us, and am even more fortunate that my mother has continued this tradition. My family moved to the street where my mother grew up when I was 5 years old, and I got to live across the street from my grandma from that age, until I was 22. I spent my childhood swimming in her backyard, playing with my cousins, and enjoying delicious meals. My grandma was always cooking, and my brothers and I were always leaving with full bellies (she also had a hidden candy jar that we would sneak over and take when my parents did not have any sweets in the house).

While my grandma cooked a lot of meals for us, one of my all-time favorite Russian meals was, and still is, Lapsha, which is Russian for noodles. It’s basically the best noodle soup you could ever eat. This recipe is also very allergy-friendly (and if you substitute the egg noodles for gluten-free pasta, it’s actually Top 8 Free). I always thought it was a super complicated recipe because it tasted so delicious, but it actually is very simple! And now I am here to share this wonderful recipe!

I have to say that this soup is best served with good bread, and tomatoes and cucumbers with salt and lemon. This is how my grandma and mom serve it, so I cannot eat Lapsha without it!


Allergy-Friendly Lapsha (Russian Noodle Soup)



1 chicken or turkey carcass


3-4 tsp. salt (you can add more depending on taste)

1 16 oz. package of egg noodles (I use the wide noodles)



Place the turkey or chicken carcass into a large stock pot.


Fill the stock pot with 4-6 quarts of water (whatever fills about 3/4 of your stock pot).


Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.


Simmer for approximately 2-3 hours (the longer you cook it, the more flavor you get).


Remove the carcass and strain out any meat or bones that might have fallen off.


In the 4-6 quarts of broth, cook egg noodles according to the package (my instructions called for the noodles to boil for 7-8 minutes).


Add salt to taste. Enjoy!

I’m Caitlin! An allergic mama :) I’m raising two boys while continuing to navigate life with anaphylaxis. I’m excited to share recipes, reviews, and helpful hints with you!

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