Currently Browsing: egg-free 7 articles

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10 Other Ways to Say “No” When You Have Food Allergies

If you have food allergies, I imagine you say “no” quite often. No to food. No to events. I feel like I am always saying “no”, and I kind of hate it. As a people pleaser, I hate having to say “no” thinking that I will be disappointing someone. As a normal human being, I […]


5 Tips to Face the Disappointment of Food Allergies

Having been born with life-threatening food allergies, I have faced disappointments that those without allergies would not understand. I’ve sat at the nut-free table from kindergarten through eighth grade. I’ve been to countless parties where I couldn’t eat a thing. I’ve been excluded from parties and occasions because people didn’t want to “deal” with my […]


6 Tips to Keep the Allergic Child Safe in School

The start of the school year can be an exciting time: the smell of fresh pencils and crayons, recess with friends, and new ideas to learn. As a parent, it is important to focus on and encourage excitement in your child with the new school year. This, however, can be very difficult for families with […]


Enjoying Fairs, Carnivals, and Festivals with Food Allergies

To a person with life threatening food allergies – places like fairs and carnivals can be pretty overwhelming. I just got back from the Orange County Fair, and I must have walked past hundreds of people with chocolate bananas covered in peanuts, Reese’s donuts, and bags of peanuts. Safety is extremely important, but I also […]


How To Enjoy Weddings (and other special events) with Severe Food Allergies

It’s springtime – and love is in the air. There seems to be no better way to celebrate the season of love than with a wedding! While weddings are meant to be wonderful celebrations of love, these events can cause anxiety and pose a risk to people suffering from severe food allergies. I have been […]


5 Food Allergy Resolutions to Ring in the New Year

Here we are on New Year’s Day again, feeling full, exhausted, and thinking about all of the changes we need to make with the start of the year. I have to say, however, that I am not the biggest fan of New Years’ resolutions. I feel that people tend to make outlandish resolutions, and set […]


Have a Merry, Allergy-Safe Christmas

Christmas time is officially here! And even though it is the most wonderful time of year, my stress level during the holidays goes through the roof. Along with traffic, masses of people in the stores, and the rush to get everything done, I have to worry about making or finding allergy-safe food. This Christmas we […]

Allergic Mama
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